Phone Number

(732) 257-2230

Parents Choice
Infant Care

In our infant room the goal of our staff is to nurture each individual child with personal care. The emphasis is on that child’s development, focusing activities for that child around their age and developmental level. By keeping each child’s day focused on their individual needs, schedules, and development we are able to create strong bonds, build quality relationships, and foster each infant’s growth at their own pace. Our infant classroom is equipped with developmentally appropriate materials and equipment to enable the children to learn and grow.

Parents will receive daily logs that document diaper changes, feeding times, amounts fed, nap times, and other activities the infant participated in.

Developmental Milestones

• Social interaction with adults through hugs, coos, babble, and smiles.

• Becoming aware of one’s self by sucking on fingers, observing their own hands, and reaching for toys.

• Motor skills, such as, lifting their head, sitting up without support, rolling over, crawling, pulling self up, and standing while holding on to furniture.

Our Classroom

We adhere to the Developmentally Appropriate Practices outlined by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. We participate in the Grow New Jersey Kids program, and we are part of the state’s Infant/Toddler initiative as well.





